As fotos mostravam
tudo muito claramente! A garotinha estava lutando para escapar enquanto o
homem determinado a arrastava para longe. A câmera de vídeo passava
despercebida até que saiu o "alerta de criança desaparecida". Então
a busca por pistas de seu desaparecimento logo chegou à pequena câmera, e a
fita foi vista - e divulgada amplamente na TV.
Os telefones na delegacia começaram a tocar: "Eu conheço aquele homem!". "Não pode ser meu vizinho. Ele parecia um homem tão bom!" ![]() Infelizmente, apenas o corpo da criança foi encontrado. Outra câmera estava filmando em uma pequena loja certa noite. O funcionário do período noturno estava sozinho atrás do balcão quando um jovem apareceu pedindo por dinheiro ou drogas. O funcionário recusou. O intruso pulou sobre o balcão, com uma arma na mão, e atirou - um tiro fatal. Não havia testemunhas - pelo menos, não uma testemunha viva - mas a fita de vídeo que estava sendo gravada revelou toda a sequência de eventos claramente. Outra tarefa impossível para um advogado de defesa! Até mesmo os pequenos detalhes do dia a dia não escapam a essa contínua vigilância. Pedágios sem funcionários na estrada induziram muitos motoristas a passar sem pagar, apenas para serem surpreendidos, alguns dias depois, por um aviso de que a placa do carro foi fotografada e que a multa seria tanto! Nós mal percebemos quão frequentemente nossas ações são "capturadas por uma câmera" - quantas pequenas câmeras estão nos filmando por todo o lugar. A tecnologia tornou possível uma enorme rede de vigilância, embora não possa se comparar com o olho de Deus, que tudo vê. Agora isso é algo a se pensar com admiração. Sabemos que Deus é onisciente: Será que sabemos o que isto significa? Ele sabe tudo. Tudo? Sim, realmente tudo. Até mesmo os "desejos e intenções" do fundo do seu coração. "Intenções"? Atos que ficaram apenas no pensamento? Se Deus pode fazê-lo, pecar sem que Ele fique sabendo é uma tarefa impossível. O Filho de Deus, o Senhor Jesus Cristo, disse: "Porque não há nada oculto que não venha a ser revelado, e nada escondido que não venha a ser conhecido e trazido à luz." (Lucas 8:17). Se até mesmo nossos piores e mais pecaminosos pensamentos são conhecidos por Deus, que chance temos de entrar em Seu santo lar celestial onde nada corrupto ou contaminado pode entrar? Nenhuma, por nossos próprios esforços, ou por nossa própria bondade. Mas Deus, "que é rico em misericórdia", preparou um caminho. Ele deu Seu Filho, Seu único e amado Filho, para morrer por nossos pecados. Que acontecimento esmagador! A Palavra de Deus, a Bíblia, diz tão claramente: "Cristo morreu por nós, sendo nós ainda pecadores." (Romanos 5:8). Mais que isso, nos é prometido que "todos os que nele creem receberão o perdão dos pecados" (Atos 10:43). "Bem-aventurados aqueles cujas maldades são perdoadas, e cujos pecados são cobertos." (Romanos 4:7). Pecados - cobertos e perdoados! E é Deus quem os cobre, o mesmo Deus que tudo vê, que tudo sabe, e que diz: "de seus pecados e de suas prevaricações não me lembrarei mais." (Hebreus 8:12) E você, já admitiu a Deus que você é um pecador? Já recebeu Seu perdão? Não há outra maneira de ir para o Céu a não ser deste modo! |
Impossible [Tract]
About This Product
The pictures were all too clear! The little girl was struggling to escape from the grip on her arm as the determined man dragged her away. The video camera went unnoticed until the “missing child alert” went out. Then the search for clues to her disappearance quickly turned up the little camera, and the tape was viewed — and broadcast widely on TV.
The phones at the police station began to ring: “I know that man!” “It can’t be my neighbor. He seems like such a nice man!”
But it was the seemingly “nice” neighbor; the callers all recognized him: his face, his clothes, even his tattoos, and the court-appointed defense lawyer had an impossible task. There was no arguing with the camera.
Sadly, only the child’s body was found.
Another unnoticed camera was rolling one night in a little store. The night clerk was alone behind the counter when a young man came in looking for money or drugs. The clerk refused him. The intruder leaped over the counter, gun in hand, and fired one shot — one fatal shot. There were no witnesses — at least, no living witnesses — but the videotape that was running showed the whole sequence of events clearly. Another impossible task for a defense lawyer!
Even the small details of everyday life do not escape that continual surveillance. Unmanned tollbooths on the highway have tempted many drivers to pass without paying, only to be surprised a few days later to receive a notice that the license plate was photographed, and the fine is ______!
We little realize how often our actions are “caught on camera” — how many little cameras are rolling all over the world. Technology has made possible a huge network of surveillance, although it cannot compare with the all-seeing eye of God.
Now that is something to think of with wonder and awe. We know that God is omniscient: Do we know what that means? He knows all. All? Yes, truly all. Even the “thoughts and intents” of your most secret heart. “Intents”? Acts only thought about? If God can do that, sinning without His knowledge is an impossible task.
The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, said, “Nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 8:17). If even our worst, most sinful thoughts are known to God, what chance have we of entering into His holy heaven where nothing corrupt or defiling can enter? None at all, in our own efforts, our own goodness.
But God, “who is rich in mercy,” has made a way. He gave His Son, His only beloved Son, to die for our sins. Isn’t that just overwhelming? God’s Word, the Bible, says it so plainly: “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). More than that, we are promised that “whosoever believeth in Him [Jesus] shall receive remission of sins.”
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7). Sins — covered and forgiven! And it is GOD who covers them, that same all-seeing, all-knowing God who says “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.”
Have you admitted to God that you are a sinner and received His forgiveness? There is no way into heaven without it!
The phones at the police station began to ring: “I know that man!” “It can’t be my neighbor. He seems like such a nice man!”
But it was the seemingly “nice” neighbor; the callers all recognized him: his face, his clothes, even his tattoos, and the court-appointed defense lawyer had an impossible task. There was no arguing with the camera.
Sadly, only the child’s body was found.
Another unnoticed camera was rolling one night in a little store. The night clerk was alone behind the counter when a young man came in looking for money or drugs. The clerk refused him. The intruder leaped over the counter, gun in hand, and fired one shot — one fatal shot. There were no witnesses — at least, no living witnesses — but the videotape that was running showed the whole sequence of events clearly. Another impossible task for a defense lawyer!
Even the small details of everyday life do not escape that continual surveillance. Unmanned tollbooths on the highway have tempted many drivers to pass without paying, only to be surprised a few days later to receive a notice that the license plate was photographed, and the fine is ______!
We little realize how often our actions are “caught on camera” — how many little cameras are rolling all over the world. Technology has made possible a huge network of surveillance, although it cannot compare with the all-seeing eye of God.
Now that is something to think of with wonder and awe. We know that God is omniscient: Do we know what that means? He knows all. All? Yes, truly all. Even the “thoughts and intents” of your most secret heart. “Intents”? Acts only thought about? If God can do that, sinning without His knowledge is an impossible task.
The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, said, “Nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 8:17). If even our worst, most sinful thoughts are known to God, what chance have we of entering into His holy heaven where nothing corrupt or defiling can enter? None at all, in our own efforts, our own goodness.
But God, “who is rich in mercy,” has made a way. He gave His Son, His only beloved Son, to die for our sins. Isn’t that just overwhelming? God’s Word, the Bible, says it so plainly: “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). More than that, we are promised that “whosoever believeth in Him [Jesus] shall receive remission of sins.”
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7). Sins — covered and forgiven! And it is GOD who covers them, that same all-seeing, all-knowing God who says “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.”
Have you admitted to God that you are a sinner and received His forgiveness? There is no way into heaven without it!
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